Costa Rican Scientists Discover New Species of Butterfly in Guanacaste

  • By Laura Alvarado – July 10, 2019

  • Costa Rican scientists discovered a new species of butterfly native of Guanacaste, the findings were presented during the first meeting of the United Nations Environment Assembly Bureau that took place in Norway.
    Philtronoma Cbdora, its scientific name, has back wings of a shiny pink color, which it hides under its grey front wings the moment it lands over a leaf or tree.
    “This new species and thousands more are discovered thanks to the efforts carried out by the Guanacaste Conservation Area and the Guanacaste Dry Forest Conservation Fund”, explained the Guanacaste Conservation Area page.
    “The species epithet is in honor of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) efforts to promote sustainable development and conservation of biological diversity, and specially Costa Rica’s new focus on being an exemplar tropical country for the realization of the goals of the CDB”
    “Costa Rica is a world leader in the conservation of nature and sustainable development, we are happy to have them as partners and champions of biological diversity. My most sincere appreciation to Costa Rica and the Minister of Environment and Energy for its leadership and this incredible honor”, commented Cristiana Pasca Palmer, Executive Secretary of the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD).


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